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A framework for
gender inclusive workplaces



A collaborative degree project as part of the 2022 NSCAD University Bachelor of Design grad show inter.

veraty is a system to provide tangible results toward gender inclusivity within the workplace. veraty aims to prompt businesses to introduce more expansive decision-making practices and include voices often talked over during discussion. veraty recognizes that a gender inclusive environment cannot be a self-awarded title, therefore this system provides resources and tools to make space for participation of all employees.

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The accumulation of the research done leading up to the conceptualization of this project is displayed in this infographic (left) which explores the overlap in data related to the impact of climate change on women, underrepresentation of women in environmental decision making, and lack of gender inclusivity and equal opportunity in the global and national economy.


To simplify the system concept and communicate it efficiently to and within businesses, the “veraty system” diagram expresses the cyclical nature of the system. Each element and tool involved in the veraty program is designed to work alongside all the others and used in constant tandem with the rest of the system.

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To demonstrate our marketing strategy for appealing to companies that may be interested in implementing the veraty system in their workplaces, we created a brochure explaining the veraty tools, how they are used, and what their benefits are.

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In response to the survey conducted early on in the research process, a mockup of a veraty Quarterly Accountability Report was developed. Using data collected through the employed & empowered app, the report would deliver these results anonymously, to inform the business on where they are struggling and excelling, and what steps to take next to continue improving.


The employed & empowered app developed by Jenna, is intended to filter and interperate workplace laws and rights that may apply to women working in these corporate workplaces, to empower and encourage informed self-advocacy by female employees. employed & empowered functions to communicate existing laws, as well as provide information on local services and resources, administer company ranking by employees, and share those rankings to ensure transparency and accountability.


The workshops created by Melanie function to encourage the inclusion

of unheard voices, and teach necessary empathy and communication skills through engaging games and activities that influence the nature of conversation

and discussion in the workplace. This toolkit helps to distribute the burden

of creating an equitable environment, across all members of the workplace.

In collaboration with Melanie White

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